
Day 4

Today we’re going to look at:


Create a new, empty OpenSCAD file (say, day04.scad) and save it.

Now enter this…

// Some text
linear_extrude(3, $fn = 30) text("Hacky Christmas!");

… and press F5 / Preview. Zoom / pan around a bit in the right hand pane and you’ll see a message in 3D text.

linear_extrude is a feature that allows you to extrude (stretch, if you like) a 2D shape to make a 3D one.

Now, change the program to read:

// Some mirrored text
for (y = [0, 1]) {
    mirror([0, y, 0]) linear_extrude(3, $fn = 30) text("Hacky Christmas!");

F5 / Preview again, and you’ll see we made some mirrored text. Cool!

The for loop here is a bit different to the one we used on day 1; here, we’re looping through a set of values (in this case, just 0 and 1). I’m using the for loop so I don’t have to repeat the code just because I’m mirroring; first y is 0, then 1. This means that when mirror is first used, it’s used with values [0, 0, 0] (no mirroring on X, Y or Z) and the second time it’s used, it’s used with values [0, 1, 0] (mirroring on the Y axis only).

We can use mirror on any shape in OpenSCAD. Let’s use it to make something else christmas-y.

Delete the code in the day04.scad file, we’re going to replace it with something else; I want to make some cuboids. Remember how we use cylinder for things that aren’t cylinders (like cones)? Well, we can use cube to make things that aren’t cubes (like cuboids)…

So what I want to do is have a long cuboid with a couple of little cuboids coming out of both of the sides… at intervals.

Something like this:

// more mirroring
thickness = 1;
length = 20;
sizes = [3, 4, 6, 3, 0];

// Draw our first cuboid, centre it on the plane X = 0
translate([-thickness / 2, 0, 0]) cube([thickness, length, thickness]);

// Now draw our other cuboids at intervals along the first
// We want to loop over 5 steps (because we have 5 sizes above)
for(step = [0:4])
    // With each step, we want an original and a mirrored version
    for(mirror_x = [0,1])
        // Move to the step position (which is one fifth of the length) times the step count
        // Note: OpenSCAD starts counting at 0 for vectors, so we add one to the step
        translate([0, (length / 5) * (step + 1), 0])
            // Mirror (or don't, depending on whether this is the original or the mirrored version)
            mirror([mirror_x, 0, 0])
                // Rotate 30 degrees around the Z axis
                rotate([0, 0, 30])
                    // And draw a cuboid of the length for this step (centred)
                    translate([-thickness / 2, 0, 0])
                        cube([thickness, sizes[step], thickness]);

Notice here that I’ve included comments in the code explaining what each line is doing. I’ll do that in these exercises from this point on.

F5 / Preview. And you’ll see we have a symmetrical shape. Looks a bit like a tree or something.

Modules that use themselves

Now we’re going to put that shape in a module (remember this from day 2) and make a couple of changes to make sure that length of both the big cuboid and the little cuboids can be scaled (using the length parameter).

The code now looks like this…

module crystal(length = 20) {
    sizes = [3, 4, 6, 3, 0];

    // Draw our first cuboid, centre it on the plane X = 0
    translate([-thickness / 2, 0, 0]) cube([thickness, length, thickness]);

    // Now draw our other cuboids at intervals along the first
    // We want to loop over 5 steps (because we have 5 sizes above)
    for(step = [0:4])
        // With each step, we want an original and a mirrored version
        for(mirror_x = [0,1])
            // Move to the step position (which is one fifth of the length) times the step count
            // Note: OpenSCAD starts counting at 0 for vectors, so we add one to the step
            translate([0, (length / 5) * (step + 1), 0])
                // Mirror (or don't, depending on whether this is the original or the mirrored version)
                mirror([mirror_x, 0, 0])
                    // Rotate 30 degrees around the Z axis
                    rotate([0, 0, 30])
                        // And draw a cuboid of the length for this step (centred)
                        translate([-thickness / 2, 0, 0])
                            cube([thickness, (length / 20) * sizes[step], thickness]);


F5 / Preview. Should look pretty much the same as before.

Here’s where it gets interesting. We’re going to make two changes to this program:

Firstly, change the line that reads crystal(); to crystal(length = 100);

Now change the section that reads

                    rotate([0, 0, 30])
                        // And draw a cuboid of the length for this step (centred)
                        translate([-thickness / 2, 0, 0])
                            cube([thickness, (length / 20) * sizes[step], thickness]);


                    rotate([0, 0, 30]) {
                        new_length = (length / 20) * sizes[step];
                        // And draw a section with the length for this step
                        if (new_length > 10) {
                            crystal(length = new_length);
                        } else {
                            translate([-thickness / 2, 0, 0])
                                cube([thickness, new_length, thickness]);

Notice that we’ve created a new variable new_length to store the length of the next part… and that the next part can either be the cuboid we used before or another crystal…

F5 / Refresh.

Can you see where this is going now?

Finally, let’s replace the line that reads

crystal(length = 100);


for(a = [0 : 60 : 360])
    rotate([0, 0, a])
        crystal(length = 200);

F5 / Refresh, then choose “view -> view all” from the menu - and hopefully you see a snowflake (if not, my version of the code for today is here)